Conférenciers vedette

2024 Conférence plénière

Dr Leroy Little Bear

Dr Leroy Little Bear

Leroy Little Bear est un chercheur Blackfoot, professeur émérite de l'Université de Lethbridge, membre fondateur du premier département d'études amérindiennes du Canada et leader et défenseur reconnu de l'éducation des Premières Nations, droits, autonomie gouvernementale, langue et culture.

Conférencier principal le 21 juin, 2024, 09h00

Titre: Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Mental Health, Wellness, and Healing


Dre Eleanor Gittens

Dre Eleanor Gittens

Professeure, Georgian College. Présidente de la SCP, 2023-2024

Allocution de la présidente le 21 juin, 2024, 13h00

Titre : A Year in the Life of CPA’s First Black Female President: Advancing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging


L’honorable Jean Augustine, C.P., C.M., O. Ont., C.B.E.

L’honorable Jean Augustine, C.P., C.M., O. Ont., C.B.E.

En 1993, Jean Augustine est entrée dans l’histoire en devenant la première femme afro-canadienne à être élue à la Chambre des communes du Canada en tant que députée de la région du Grand Toronto.

Allocution de la présidente honoraire le 22 juin, 2024, 14h30

Title: Lifting Voices: Black Lives and Experiences



Dr Jiyaing Zhao

Dr Jiyaing Zhao

Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la durabilité des comportements et professeure agrégée au département de psychologie et à l’Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique

Discours d’ouverture en plénière, 23 juin 2024, 10h00

Titre : How can psychological science contribute to sustainability?


Elder Annie Smith St. Georges

Elder Annie Smith St. Georges

Prière et bénédictions des cérémonies d’ouverture, 21 juin 2024, 08h30


Section Program Speakers

Bilingualism and Cognition in Older Adults

Dr. Vanessa TalerDr. Vanessa Taler, University of Ottawa
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 23, 2024

Section on Aging & Geropsychology

Understanding the Impact of Racism on Black Psychologists (and What to Do about It!)

Dr. Monnica WilliamsDr. Monnica Williams, University of Ottawa
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Black Psychology

Reading­-To­-Think: How We Infer, Reason, And Make Decisions In A First And Second Language

Dr. Debra TitoneDr. Debra Titone, McGill University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Brain and Cognitive Science

Housing First as an Evidence-Based Strategy for Ending Chronic Homelessness: Contributions of Community-Clinical Psychologists and their Role in Setting Future Directions

Dr. Tim AubryDr. Tim Aubry, University of Ottawa
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Clinical Psychology

Balancing power: Considerations for culturally safe neuropsychological practice

Dr. Reagan Gale, Dr. David DantoDr. Reagan Gale, Neuropsychology North/Dr. Duncan Day & Associates
Dr. David Danto, MacEwan University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Clinical Neuropsychology

Indigenous Women’s Healing from Sexual Trauma Circle: Our Response to the Calls for Justice

Dr. Gwendolyn VillebrunDr. Gwendolyn Villebrun, Counselling Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Counselling Psychology

« Cracking the Code » of Emotions and Social Interactions- Supporting Autistic Children Using the Secret Agent Society: Small Group Program

Dr. Vivian LeeDr. Vivian Lee, Carleton University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Development Psychology

School Psychology and Truth and Reconciliation: Where Are We At? Where Are We Going?

Dr. Melanie Nelson & Dr. Dennis WendtDr. Melanie Nelson, The University of British Columbia
Dr. Dennis Wendt, McGill University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Educational and School Psychology

Nature and Well-Being: A Closer Examination of Mechanisms and Moderators of a (Positive?) Relationship

Dr. Frederick GrouzetDr. Frederick Grouzet, University of Victoria
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Environmental Psychology

Creating Connection and Restoring Resilience: Transforming family bonds through Emotionally Focused Family Therapy

Mr. James FurrowMr. James Furrow, Seattle University, Navigate Family Therapy
Ms. Gail Palmer,, International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Family Psychology

Leveraging Digital Health to Increase the Impact of Behavioural Health Interventions across the Lifespan

Dr. Nicole AlbertsDr. Nicole Alberts, Concordia University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine

Inspecting the Fruits of Interdisciplinary Inquiry for Psychology

Prof Lisa OsbeckProf Lisa Osbeck, University of West Georgia
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on History, Theory, and Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (HTQ) Section

The Facilitators of Positive Work Experiences for Employees Living with Disabilities

Dr. Silvia BonaccioDr. Silvia Bonaccio, Telfer School of Management, Ottawa, Ontario
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Industrial and Organizational Psychology

The Long Shadow of Our (Perceived) Past: Collective Nostalgia as a Balm for Groups Under Threat

Prof Michael WohlProf Michael Wohl, Carleton University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on International and Cross-Cultural Psychology

Planning for, and Adjusting to Retirement – A Psychologist’s Perspective Based on the First Year of Retirement

Dr. Karen CohenDr. Karen Cohen, Retired
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Psychologists and Retirement

« Proud, Brave, and Tough »: Women in the Canadian Combat Arms

Dr. Barbara WaruszynskiDr. Barbara Waruszynski, Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Psychology in the Military

Methodological Research for the Open Science Era

Dr. Jessica FlakeDr. Jessica Flake, McGill University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Quantitative Methods

Psychological Care Within Rural, Northern, and Remote Canadian Communities: Navigating Overlapping Relationships

Dr. Amanda Lints-MartindaleDr. Amanda Lints-Martindale, University of Manitoba
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Rural and Northern Psychology

Who are Romantic Relationships for? Factors that Draw People Away from Singlehood

Dr. Geoff MacDonaldDr. Geoff MacDonald, University of Toronto
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 21, 2024

Section on Social and Personality Psychology

Can People Improve their Well-being By Helping the Natural Environment?

Dr. John ZelenskiDr. John Zelenski, Carleton University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Students in Psychology

Incorporating a Decolonial Perspective in the Classroom: Advice from a Settler-Métis Scholar

Dr. Chad DanyluckDr. Chad Danyluck, Carleton University
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Teaching of Psychology

Racial Trauma: New Hope for a Hidden Problem

Dr. Monnica WilliamsDr. Monnica Williams, Organization
Section Featured Speaker Address – June 22, 2024

Section on Traumatic Stress